Update Apartment Entity information
Update Apartment Entity base information
Path Parameters
- apartmentUid integer required
Possible values:
>= 1
Unique Identifier for Item
- application/json
Request Body required
apartment_address object required
Logical address - an entity defines the device/user address in the address hierarchy and is used during a call, issuing identifiers, creating call forwarding rules etc.
building int32Possible values:
>= 1
and<= 999
Building number
unit int32Possible values:
<= 99
Unit number
floor int32Possible values:
<= 98
Floor number
room int32Possible values:
<= 99
Room number
- apartment_name string required
Possible values: Value must match regular expression
Name for the apartment, owner full name or apartment number usually used. Nonempty string without leading and trailing spaces
residents object required
Optional information about tenants
count integerThe number living in the apartment
- 200
- 400
- 401
- Invalid name
- Wrong Logical Address
- Missed json body or wrong param
- Apartment with that Logical Address already exist
- Wrong apartment uid Response sample:
"error": "Wrong JSON body"
- Required field is not provided. Response sample:
"error": "Wrong JSON body: no value for `param`"
where param
- is a required field that was not provided
- Field was of the wrong type. Response sample:
"error": "Wrong JSON body: value `param` was of the wrong type"
where param
- is a field of the wrong type
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Base
- No value
- Wrong param type
- Wrong Logical Address
- Invalid name
- Already exist
- Wrong uid
- error string
error type/info
"error": true
"error": "Wrong JSON body"
"error": "Wrong JSON body: no value for `param`"
"error": "Wrong JSON body: value `param` was of the wrong type"
"error": "Wrong Logical Address"
"error": "Invalid name"
"error": "Apartment with that Logical Address already exist"
"error": "Wrong apartment uid"
Unauthorized request. Log In
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Log In
- error string
error message
"error": "Log In"
"error": "Log In"