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Get Wiegand settings

Returns Wiegand input and output settings.

Wiegand output cannot work simultaneously with BOND lift controller. Disable BOND lift controller using POST /access/lift/zones/settings.

Wiegand type. All data received on Wiegand input will be converted to selected type

Wiegand output mode.

  • If 'duplicate' mode selected all data will be sent to Wiegand output. Access will be controlled by device. Data will be send ou Wiegand output for selected data types.
  • if 'wiegand_control' selected all data will be sent to Wiegand output. Access will be controlled by Wiegand output for selected data types (User will see 'processing' screen). Other data types will be controlled by device.

To enable 'wiegand_control' mode multifactor/user access mode must be disabled. 'Normal' access mode must be selected using POST /access/global/settings.

When selected FR data type to send to Wiegand output, device sends identifier's link_id so it must contain not empty link_id field in UUID format.

When selected QR data type to send to Wiegand output, QR must contain value in UUID format (full or short)

internal_reader_data data type is not available on AV-08FL.

Feature is available on AV-08FBL and AV-08FL. On other devices use GET /access/external/control instead.



  • in object

    Wiegand input settings

  • is_enabled boolean

    Determines whether the Wiegand input is enabled

  • wiegand object

    Wiegand settings

  • type string

    Possible values: [wiegand_26, wiegand_34, wiegand_42, wiegand_58, wiegand_66, wiegand_130]

    Wiegand type. All data received on Wiegand input will be converted to selected type

  • available_types string[]

    Possible values: [wiegand_26, wiegand_34, wiegand_42, wiegand_58, wiegand_66, wiegand_130]

    The list of available Wiegand types

  • out object

    Wiegand output settings

  • is_enabled boolean

    Determines whether the Wiegand output is enabled

  • wiegand object

    Wiegand settings

  • type string

    Possible values: [wiegand_26, wiegand_34, wiegand_42, wiegand_58, wiegand_66, wiegand_130]

    Wiegand type. All data received on Wiegand input will be converted to selected type

  • available_types string[]

    Possible values: [wiegand_26, wiegand_34, wiegand_42, wiegand_58, wiegand_66, wiegand_130]

    The list of available Wiegand types

  • control object

    Wiegand control settings

  • mode string

    Possible values: [duplicate, wiegand_control]

    Wiegand output mode.

    • If 'duplicate' mode selected all data will be sent to Wiegand output. Access will be controlled by device. Data will be send ou Wiegand output for selected data types.
    • if 'wiegand_control' selected all data will be sent to Wiegand output. Access will be controlled by Wiegand output for selected data types (User will see 'processing' screen). Other data types will be controlled by device.
  • available_modes string[]

    Possible values: [duplicate, wiegand_control]

    The list of available modes

  • data object

    Data types that will be sent to Wiegand output

  • types string[]

    Possible values: [internal_reader_data, external_reader_data, qr, face_id, input_code]

    Data types that will be sent to Wiegand output

  • available_types string[]

    Possible values: [internal_reader_data, external_reader_data, qr, face_id, input_code]

    The list of available data types that can be sent to Wiegand output
