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Get Apartment Entity detailed information

Returns Apartment Entity detailed information.

Base Apartment Entity properties:

  • apartment logical address
  • apartment name

Additional linked properties:

  • identifiers count and UIDs
  • input numbers count and UIDs
  • forward UIDs
Path Parameters
  • apartment-uid integer required

    Possible values: >= 1

    Unique Identifier for Apartment Item



  • apartment_address object

    Logical address - an entity defines the device/user address in the address hierarchy and is used during a call, issuing identifiers, creating call forwarding rules etc.

  • building integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 9999

    Building number

  • unit integer

    Possible values: <= 99

    Unit number

  • floor integer

    Possible values: <= 98

    Floor number

  • room integer

    Possible values: <= 99

    Room number

  • apartment_name string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^\S(.*\S)?$

    Name for the apartment, owner full name or apartment number usually used. Nonempty string without leading and trailing spaces

  • residents object

    Optional information about tenants

  • count integer

    The number living in the apartment

  • photo_path string

    Photo path for person photo in apartment book

    Available only on AA-14

  • route_path string

    Route image for lift feature.

    Available only on AA-14

  • identifiers object

    Types of associated identifiers (cards, codes, etc.)

    physicals: card, UKEY, face_id

    input_numbers: code entered on the keyboard

  • physicals object

    Model used to providing array of UIDs of various enumerated entities are stored in the panel, such as apartments, identifiers, forward, and similar with count param

  • uid_items integer[]

    Possible values: >= -1

    Array of UID for entities references

  • link_ids uuid[]

    Array of LinkIDs for entities references

  • count integer

    The number of values in the array

  • input_numbers object

    Model used to providing array of UIDs of various enumerated entities are stored in the panel, such as apartments, identifiers, forward, and similar with count param

  • uid_items integer[]

    Possible values: >= -1

    Array of UID for entities references

  • link_ids uuid[]

    Array of LinkIDs for entities references

  • count integer

    The number of values in the array

  • forward object

    The model represents information about entity presence in system

  • exist boolean

    Parameters describes if entity is present in system

  • uid_item integer

    Possible values: >= -1

    UID for entities references. If value is -1, then it means that is no entity reference for this structure

  • tenants object[]

    List of tenants

  • name string

    Tenant name

  • id integer

    Apartment tenant ID

  • owner_type string

    Owner type
