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Get logs list

Return log's list. Available events:


  • access_denied_by_not_valid_identifier
  • access_denied_by_not_valid_face_identifier
  • access_denied_by_not_valid_input_code
  • access_denied_by_remote_server_api_call
  • access_denied_by_unknown_card
  • access_granted_by_api_call
  • access_granted_by_call_host
  • access_granted_by_master_code
  • access_granted_by_remote_server_api_call
  • access_granted_by_valid_identifier
  • access_granted_by_valid_face_identifier
  • door_was_closed
  • access_denied_unknown_identifier
  • door_sensor_was_closed
  • door_was_opened
  • door_sensor_was_opened
  • emergency_lock_is_opened
  • lock_was_opened_by_exit_btn
  • lock_was_opened_by_free_access_button
  • multi_access_granted
  • identifiers_without_linkage_to_user_access_denied
  • multi_access_denied
  • lift_call_success
  • lift_call_error
  • lift_module_access_error
  • access_granted_by_shared_identifier
  • access_denied_by_not_valid_shared_identifier
  • bond_lift_request


  • incoming_call
  • outgoing_call
  • outgoing_call_missed
  • device_booted
  • sip_registration_lost
  • outgoing_call_web


  • incorrect_login_api_call
  • incorrect_login_gui_settings
  • successful_login_api_call
  • successful_login_gui_settings


  • door_was_not_closed_too_long
  • tamper_event
Query Parameters
  • locale string

    Possible values: [en, es, ru, uk, pl, nl, tr, fr, da]

    Default value: en

    Language for localizing logs. Value by default is 'en'

    • English (en)
    • Spanish (es)
    • French (fr)
    • Danish (da)
    • Dutch (nl)
    • Ukrainian (uk)
    • Turkish (tr)
    • Polish (pl)
    • Russian (ru)
  • from int64

    Unix time used to get entities in a specific time window.

    • Used in conjunction with timeTo param
  • to int64

    Unix time used to get entities in a specific time window.

    • Used in conjunction with timeFrom param
  • limit integer

    Possible values: [10, 20, 30, 50]

    Number of items. Value by default is 10

  • page_number integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Page number

  • sort_type string

    Possible values: [asc, desc]

    Default value: asc

    Sort type (asc/desc)

  • filter object

    Filtering options for Logs



  • list_option object

    The model provides options can be used to sort, filter, and paginate log items

  • pagination object

    Available pagination options for tables

  • total_items integer

    The total number of items found and reflected across all pages

  • items_limit integer

    Possible values: [10, 20, 30, 50]

    Limiting the display of the amount of data for one page

  • total_pages integer

    The number of pages that hold the requested data

  • current_page integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Current page number

  • filter object

    This model describes available filter options can be used to display logs

  • available_filtering boolean

    Is filtering available

  • is_filtered boolean

    Is data filtered

  • available_fields object[]

    Available fields

  • available_values object

    List of available filter options

  • category string[]

    Possible values: [access, emergency, system, info]

    List of categories

  • priority string[]

    Possible values: [critical, high, low, medium]

    Log priority

  • name object[]

    Log name

  • text string

    Log description

  • key string

    Possible values: [access_denied_by_not_valid_identifier, access_denied_by_not_valid_face_identifier, access_denied_by_not_valid_input_code, access_denied_by_remote_server_api_call, access_denied_by_unknown_card, access_granted_by_api_call, access_granted_by_call_host, access_granted_by_master_code, access_granted_by_remote_server_api_call, access_granted_by_valid_identifier, access_granted_by_valid_face_identifier, door_was_closed, door_sensor_was_closed, door_was_opened, door_sensor_was_opened, emergency_lock_is_opened, lock_was_opened_by_exit_btn, lock_was_opened_by_free_access_button, incoming_call, outgoing_call, outgoing_call_missed, device_booted, sip_registration_lost, outgoing_call_web, incorrect_login_api_call, incorrect_login_gui_settings, successful_login_api_call, successful_login_gui_settings, door_was_not_closed_too_long, multi_access_granted, identifiers_without_linkage_to_user_access_denied, multi_access_denied, access_denied_by_unknown_qr, access_denied_unknown_identifier, lift_call_success, lift_call_error, lift_module_access_error, tamper_event, access_granted_by_shared_identifier, access_denied_by_not_valid_shared_identifier, bond_lift_request]

    Log key that should be used for filtering

  • sort object

    This model describes available sort options can be used to display logs

  • asc boolean

    Is used ascending order

  • available_values string[]

    Possible values: [asc, desc]

    List of sort options

  • locale object

    This model describes available languages can be used to display logs

  • locale string

    Possible values: [en, es, ru, uk, pl, nl, tr, fr, da]

    Default value: en

    Used locale

  • available_locales string[]

    Possible values: [en, es, ru, uk, pl, nl, tr, fr, da]

    List of available locales

  • list_items object[]

    List of logs

  • timestamp int64

    Unix Timestamp Date

  • category string

    Possible values: [access, emergency, system, info]

    Log category

  • priority string

    Log priority

  • name object

    Log key and name

  • key string

    Log key. It can be used for filtering

  • text string

    Log description

  • info object

    This model provides detailed information about log event

  • model object

    Represents log event raw data


  • status string

    Possible values: [checking, downloading, backuping, installing, finishing, error]

    Firmware updating event

  • text string

    Human-readable information about event
