ποΈ Get Apartment book feature status
GET apartments phone book feature status.
ποΈ Enable/Disable Apartment book display in the GUI
Set apartments phone book feature status.
ποΈ Create/Update multiple Apartment Entities
Create/Update multiple Apartment Entities
ποΈ Delete multiple Apartment Entities
Delete multiple Apartment Entities
ποΈ Create Apartment Entity
Create Apartment Entity
ποΈ Get Apartment Entity detailed information
Returns Apartment Entity detailed information.
ποΈ Update Apartment Entity information
Update Apartment Entity base information
ποΈ Delete Apartment Entity
Delete Apartment Entity
ποΈ Attach identifier to apartment
Create a relation between the identifier and the apartment entities.
ποΈ Detach identifier from apartment
Delete a relation between the identifier and the apartment entities
ποΈ Attach forward rule to apartment
Create a relation between the forward rule and the apartment entities.
ποΈ Detach forward rule from apartment
Delete a relation between the forward rule and the apartment entities
ποΈ Get Apartments list
Return Apartments entities detailed list with required pagination, filter and sort
ποΈ Delete multiple apartment items
Delete multiple apartment items by their uids
ποΈ Add or update image profile photo
Add or update image profile photo, used for phonebook in the web/GUI only in AA-14FB panel.