📄️ Create Contact Entity
You can create contacts with the next types:
📄️ Get Contact list
Returns list of all contacts
📄️ Bulk delete Сontacts
Deletes Сontacts by ids or clears all contacts
📄️ Get Contact detailed information
Returns Contact detailed information.
📄️ Update Contact
You can update contact with the next types:
📄️ Remove Contact Entity
Removes Contact Entity
📄️ Reset records in contacts book
Removes all recodrs in contacts book
📄️ Export contacts to file
Returns csv file with all contacts
📄️ Import contacts from file
Imports contacts from csv file
📄️ Get Contact list
Returns list of all contacts
📄️ Create or update Contacts
Creates or updates contacts
📄️ Delete Contacts by theirs uids
Deletes Contacts by theirs uids
📄️ Reset records in contacts book
Removes all recodrs in contacts book