Set the lift settings
Configures panel floor number and lift call actions.
The function works when using the appropriate lift module, for example EVRC-IP. For the detailed description please follow lift module manual.
- The DTMF value for elevator calling and lock opening cannot be the same
- application/json
Request Body required
- floor_number integer required
Possible values:
>= 1
and<= 98
Default value:
The model describes the number of the floor on which the panel is installed for identification by the elevator module
- send_identifier_number boolean
Manages sending the ID number to the elevator controller
call_when object required
type of event on which to call elevator
monitor_opens_lock object required
when lock is opened from the monitor
is_enabled boolean requireddescribes feature status, true - on / false - off
user_opens_lock object required
when lock is opened by user
is_enabled boolean requireddescribes feature status, true - on / false - off
monitor_call_in_talk object required
during call
is_enabled boolean requireddescribes feature status, true - on / false - off
dtmf_code string requiredPossible values: Value must match regular expression
Default value:
dtmf code that is sent to trigger elevator
- 200
- 400
- 401
Validation error. Required fields are not provided.
- Wrong floor number
- Missed json body or wrong param. Response sample:
"error": "Wrong JSON body"
- Required field is not provided. Response sample:
"error": "Wrong JSON body: no value for `param`"
where param
- is a required field that was not provided
- Field was of the wrong type. Response sample:
"error": "Wrong JSON body: value `param` was of the wrong type"
where param
- is a field of the wrong type
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Base
- No value
- Wrong param type
- Wrong floor number
- error string
error type/info
"error": true
"error": "Wrong JSON body"
"error": "Wrong JSON body: no value for `param`"
"error": "Wrong JSON body: value `param` was of the wrong type"
"error": "Wrong floor number"
Unauthorized request. Log In
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Log In
- error string
error message
"error": "Log In"
"error": "Log In"