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Create Identifier Entity

Create Identifier Entity. You can create identifiers with the next types:

  • card
  • ukey
  • inputCode
  • qr
Request Body required
  • identifier_owner object
  • name string required
  • type string required

    Possible values: [owner, guest]

  • identifier_type string

    Possible values: [card, ukey, inputCode, qr]

  • identifier_number string
    • hex or dec if identifier_type is card or ukey

    • dec if identifier_type is inputCode

    • uuid if identifier_type is qr

    • pattern for hex and dec - [0-9]{1,10} or ([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){1,7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})

  • lock string

    Possible values: [second, all, first]


The uid value returned in the response can be used as the identifierUid parameter in next requests:

  • GET/PATCH/DELETE /access/identifier/item/{identifierUid} - to get info about identifier, update or delete it
  • POST /access/identifier/item/{identifierUid}/passes/reset - to reset left passes to max value
  • GET /access/identifier/item/{identifierUid}/qr - to generate QR image from identifier with type qr
  • POST/DELETE /access/identifier/item/{identifierUid}/timeprofile/{timeProfileUid} - to attach/detach a timeprofile to/from identifier
  • POST /apartment/item/{apartmentUid}/identifier/{identifierUid} - to attach an identifier to apartment
  • POST /apartment/item/unbind/identifier/{identifierUid} - to detach and identifier from apartment

  • uid integer

    Possible values: >= -1

    UID for entities referenses. If value is -1, then it means that is no entity reference for this structure
