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Create Time Profile Entity

Create Time Profile Entity. It describes access rules which can be attached to identifiers.

Request Body required
  • name string required
  • time_options object required
  • is_all_day boolean required
  • date_from int64 required

    Unix Timestamp Date

  • date_to int64 required

    Unix Timestamp Date

  • repeat_options object required

    only for time range

  • repeat_enable boolean required
  • repeat_format object
  • repeat_type string required

    Possible values: [day, week, twoWeeks, month, year, custom]

  • repeat_end object required

    date key required if date format was choosen

  • format string required

    Possible values: [never, date]

  • date int64 required

    Unix Timestamp Date

  • repeat_custom object

    only for custom repeat type

  • repeat_point_type string required

    Possible values: [day, week, month, year]

  • repeat_looper integer required

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 1000

  • repeat_options object

  • string

    Possible values: [MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN]


The uid value returned in the response can be used as the timeProfileUid parameter in:

  • GET /access/timeprofile/item/{timeProfileUid} - to get info about time profile
  • PATH /access/timeprofile/item/{timeProfileUid} - to update time profile
  • DELETE /access/timeprofile/item/{timeProfileUid} - to remove time profile
  • POST /access/identifiers/item/{identifierUid}/timeProfile/{timeProfileUid} - to attach time profile to identifier with id identifierUid
  • DELETE /access/identifiers/item/{identifierUid}/timeProfile/{timeProfileUid} - to detach time profile from identifier with id identifierUid

  • uid integer

    Possible values: >= -1

    UID for entities referenses. If value is -1, then it means that is no entity reference for this structure
